Thursday, 1 November 2012

Weston Hill

I feel quite pleased with myself tonight. I have finally managed to complete the South West climbs and I am now a quarter of a way through the 100 climbs. Ok, if I'm being honest I was hoping to have knocked off a few more of the climbs by now and my ride up Weston Hill was hardly impressive but it is at least done.

A full write up and video will follow at the weekend but the headlines are; it was cold, it was wet and I was slow. The descent to the start of the climb was also quite sketchy on the wet roads and interesting to say the least. Weston Hill has a 20% gradient at the top so by the time you reach the bottom of the hill you find yourself desperately trying to scrub off the excess speed. I think I scared the hell out of a chap on an expensive Pinarello road bike who was about to pull out of a side road when a portly fool in an eye ball searing yellow waterproof jacket came steaming down the hill at high speed. Lets just say I'm optimised for gravity and I love going fast.

I tried to take a picturesque shot from the top of Weston Hill and failed.  

Anyway, its been a very long day, and at one point I had to wash and get changed in a motorway services before going on to a meeting which is never a good experience, and I have another full day of meetings again tomorrow so I'll leave a proper write up for when I'm more awake.

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